Biometric Screening
Blood Pressure & Pulse
- Includes onsite counseling, rechecks for elevations & educational materials
- Bloodwork – Venipuncture
- Hemoglobin A1C- non-fasting test to determine blood glucose control
- Comprehensive Metabolic Panel- analyzes electrolytes, liver function, kidney function and glucose
- Complete Blood Count (CBC) with differential- analyzes red and white blood cells and platelets
- Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA)- blood test to screen for prostate cancer
- Hepatitis B Titer- tests for immunity
- Bloodwork – Fingerstick
- Total Cholesterol, HDL and Glucose
- Total Cholesterol and Glucose
- Total Cholesterol
- Glucose
- Urinalysis
- Detects abnormalities in the urine such as blood, protein, bacteria and sugar
- Height, Weight, and Body Mass Index (BMI)
- Body Composition Analysis
- Bio-impedance method used to measure percentage of body fat, water, lean body mass, basal metabolic rate
- Omron Body Fat Analyzer
- Hand held system measures body fat & BMI